PhD Biology
2012 – 2020 University of Antwerp, Botanic Garden Meise, Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences
Master in Biodiversity: Conservation and Restoration
2010 – 2012 University of Antwerp (great distinction)
Bachelor in Biology, minor Environment and Sustainable development
2007 – 2010 Catholic University of Leuven (graduated with honour)
Secondary education: Latin-Sciences
2001 – 2007 Sint-Jozef Klein Seminarie, Sint-Niklaas
Work experience
CSR officer – Biodiversity & Water advisor
May 2022 – Present KBC Group
Brussels, Belgium
Research scientist DR Congo
December 2020 – December 2021 Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International
Nkuba Conservation Area, Walikale, Democratic Republic of Congo
Environmental Business Developer
July 2020 – November 2020 Biotope Environnement SA
Brussels, Belgium
Research experience
PhD – Biodiversity and carbon storage conservation in the Congo Basin lowland rainforest
- Responsible for biodiversity data analysis within COBIMFO project with multiple Belgian partners
- Small mammal sampling in Yangambi (DR Congo) in collaboration with Centre de Surveillance de la Biodiversité, UNIKIS
- Lab visits at Willig lab (University of Connecticut, US)
- Supervision of 3 Master students
- Teaching assistance in zoology practicals and tropical field class
Overview results
- PhD thesis
- Organiser of symposium “From Ecology to Conservation” 9th March 2020
- Publications in peer-reviewed journals, media attention
- Talks and posters at several international conferences (see below)
- Creation of African Mammalia database
- PhD funded by the Belgian Science Policy and Research Foundation – Flanders
Bletsa, M., Vrancken, B., Gryseels, S., Boonen, I., Fikatas, A., Li, Y., Laudisoit, A., Lequime, S., Bryja, J., Makundi, R., Meheretu, Y., Akaibe, B.D., Gambalemoke, M.S., Van de Perre, F., Van Houtte, N., Těšíková, J., Wollants, E., Van Ranst, M., Pybus, O.P., Drexler, J.F., Verheyen, E., Leirs, H., Gouy de Bellocq, J. & Lemey, P. (2021). Molecular detection and genomic characterisation of diverse hepaciviruses in African rodents. Virus Evolution, veab036, https://doi.org/10.1093/ve/veab036
Van de Perre, F., Willig, M.R., Presley, S. J., Mukinzi, I. J-C., Gambalemoke, M. S., Leirs, H. & Verheyen, E. (2020). Functional volumes, niche packing and species richness: biogeographic legacies in the Congo Basin. Roy. Soc. open Sci. 7191582. http://doi.org/10.1098/rsos.191582
Van de Perre, F., Leirs, H. & Verheyen, E. (2019). Paleoclimate, ecoregion size, and degree of isolation explain regional biodiversity differences among terrestrial vertebrates within the Congo Basin. Belgian J. Zool., 149, 23–42. https://doi.org/10.26496/BJZ.2019.28
Van de Perre, F., Leirs, H., Cigar J., Gambalemoke, M.S., Mukinzi, I. J.-C. & Verheyen, E. (2019). Shrews (Soricidae) of the lowland forests around Kisangani (DR Congo). Biodiversity Data Journal 7, e46948. https://doi.org/10.3897/BDJ.7.e46948
Van de Perre, F., Willig, M.R., Presley, S.J., Bapeamoni Andemwana, F., Beeckman, H., Boeckx, P., et al. (2018). Reconciling biodiversity and carbon stock conservation in an Afrotropical forest landscape. Sci. Adv., 4, eaar6603. https://doi.org/10.1126/SCIADV.AAR6603
Kearsley, E., Verbeeck, H., Hufkens, K., Van de Perre, F., Doetterl, S., Baert, G., Beeckman, H., Boeckx, P. & Huygens, D. (2017). Functional community structure of African monodominant Gilbertiodendron dewevrei forest influenced by local environmental filtering. Ecol. Evol., 7, 295– 304. doi: 10.1002/ece3.2589
- Benelux Congres for Zoology (Poster, 2014, Liège)
- 12th African Small Mammal Symposium (Oral presentation, 2015, Madagascar)
- 1st Conference on the Biodiversity of the Congo Basin (Poster, 2014, Kisangani – DR Congo)
- Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation meeting (Poster, 2016, Montpellier – France)
- European Conference for Tropical Ecology (Oral presentation, 2017, Brussels)
- International Conference on Conservation Biology (Oral presentation, 2017, Cartagena – Columbia)
- Safeguarding Space For Nature (Poster, 2018, London – UK)
- Biology Research Day (Oral presentation, 2018, Antwerp)
- 18th Meeting of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership Meeting (Oral presentation, 2018, Tervuren)
- 13th African Small Mammal Symposium (Poster and Oral presentation, 2019, Mekelle – Ethiopia)
Master thesis – Wildlife corridors around Saadani National Park, Tanzania
- Small mammal sampling and village interviews in Tanzania
- Least-cost modelling based on expert knowledge
Overview results
- Publication in peer-reviewed journal
- Presentations at multiple international conferences
- Winner of the Jacques Kets Award for Zoology
- Collaborations on wildlife connectivity in Tanzania and Borneo
Riggio, J., Mbwilo, F., Van de Perre, F., Caro, T. (2018). The forgotten link between northern and southern Tanzania. Afr. J. Ecol. 56, 1012-1016. https://doi.org/10.1111/aje.12533
Van de Perre, F., Adriaensen, F., Songorwa, A.N. & Leirs, H. (2014). Locating elephant corridors between Saadani National Park and the Wami-Mbiki Wildlife Management Area, Tanzania. Afr. J. Ecol., 52, 448–457. https://doi.org/10.1111/AJE.12139
Riggio, J., Kija, H., Masenga, E., Mbwilo, F., Van de Perre, F., Caro, T. (2018). Sensitivity of Africa’s larger mammals to humans. J. Nat. Cons. 43, 136-145. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnc.2018.04.001
- Journée d’étude ‘Gestion rationelle et conservation de la faune’ (Oral presentation, 2013, Liège)
- 19th Benelux Congress of Zoology (Oral presentation, 2012, Brussels)
- Toegepaste communicatievaardigheden (2013, UAntwerpen)
- Mindmapping (2013, UAntwerpen)
- Time Management (2014, UAntwerpen)
- Leadership & Team management (2014, UAntwerpen)
- Writing proposals (2015, UAntwerpen)
- Kom naar buiten! VLIR-UOS studiedag rond communicatie (2015, UAntwerpen)
- Career management workshop ‘Unlocking your potential’ (2015, UAntwerpen)
- Effective written documents’ (2016, Principiae, UAntwerpen)
- Developing a publication strategy in the Physical Sciences and Life Sciences (2017, UAntwerpen)
- Clear, accurate, concise writing (2017, Principiae, KU Leuven)
Research skills
- Access 2010 (2013, UAntwerpen)
- Graphics in R (2015, FLAMES, UHasselt)
- Multivariate Statistics (2017, StatUa, UAntwerpen)
- A Primer to Causal Inference for Conservation Biologists (2017, ICCB, Cartagena)
- Coding Club Workshop (2018, Ghent University)
- Developing essential grant and funding skills for conservation (2017, ICCB, Cartagena)
- Project management for Wildlife Conservation (2018, Wildteam UK)
- Conservation Careers Kickstarter course (2019, Conservation Careers)
- Making Moves: Creating Conservation Movements (2019, Brooke Tully)
- Methods and strategies to monitor and manage human impact on urbanized protected areas (2019, UHasselt)
Practical skills
- Ergonomy (2016, UAntwerpen)
- First aid course (2018, Rode Kruis Vlaanderen)
- Fire extinguisher course (2018, UAntwerpen)
- Digital photography 1 (2019, LBC Mortsel)
- Microsoft office: Experienced in Word, Excel, OneNote, and PowerPoint. Working knowledge of Access.
- ArcGIS: Good knowledge
- R: Experienced user
- Social media: Experienced user
- Dutch: Mother tongue
- English: Fluent in writing, reading, and speaking
- French: Fluent in reading and speaking
- Kiswahili: Notion
- Nature management: Involved in the management of two reserves of Natuurpunt, a local ngo. Presentations on biodiversity conservation for different interest groups. Blog posts (in Dutch) on Global Change Ecology and UAntwerpen websites.
- Photography: Especially wildlife and theatre.
- Travel: Looking for wildlife and wild places all over the world.
- Sports: Swimming, football, volleyball, boxing, karate,…